Thursday, November 10, 2016

Jeffery Family Book - 1998

     My cousin Betty M. Jeffery and myself published our family history in 1998 after many years of research - it is titled "The Jeffery Family of the Isle of Wight and Prince Edward Island".
     We have copies available for $40 each plus shipping.  Below is the cover of the book.  It is 408-pages with photos, appendices and index.  In 1999 we received a Publishing Award for our book from the Prince Edward Island Museum & Heritage Foundation.
     The cover shows the two Islands associated with our family - the Isle of Wight, England and Prince Edward Island, Canada - the background with writing is a page from our 1752 Jeffery Bible, brought from England in 1810 - owned by Stephen Jeffery - it's been passed down through the generation and today I have it.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Winter 2016 - very different than Winter 2015

     I took these photos yesterday at the Homestead!  So far so good with winter weather being milder and less snow!
 Below photo taken a year ago onFeb. 28, 2015.